ٍSeptember 3, 2023* 1st Sunday of Elijah 

 Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year

  • Funeral Mass: Fareed Jamiel on Tuesday at Holy Martyrs church at 10am.
  • Ameer Hanna Zakariya(7th) Sayidna Rabban Alkass (Iraq)(7th)

         Warina Bisko Hantia(Iraq) (7th)

  • Layla Slewa (40)
  • We pray for Sam & Dalal Gasso for their 38 years of marriage.


  • Sunday Collection baskets are available by all exit doors; you may also participate in the Sunday collection electronically on our website at Stgeorgechaldean.com

  • Please keep the church clean at all times & we now ask you to silence your phone and let us prepare ourselves for the lord.


Weekly Masses

  • Sabri & Barbara Bhuda, Isho & Shamme Tobia, Family Intention, The SICK. poor souls of portigury. Hany & Francis Kama, Naima & Asofie mansour. Kamil kamchi, jonathan mscabo, jirjis & majid batti, ban sesi farida, pamela citan, lauri shaoony, Alysia Baydoon, Martin Awidish, nick kanja. Special intentions, Hayatt Kado, Special Intention Mary, Stavros School, Fadia Hindo, Emyelda Bizy, Faiza Seman, Yousif Seman, Slewa Savaya, Fareed Aboona, Dr. Marco Yousif, Alaa Asmaro, Sayidna Rabban Alkass, Fouad & Najat Sitto & Parents, Sabri & Najiba Houbba, 11 years Najiba,