1st Sunday of Elia August 29, 2021
Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
- Jason Jarbo(7th), Hilal Peter Sabbagh (7th),Kathly Jameel(7th/Arbeel), Adel Tomas Issak (7th/Iraq),Fareed Bedaweed (40th),Ode Yousif Jory (40th),Phillip Kiryakos Al Sanati(40th),Naimy Mansoor Hamo(40th), jony Ishaq Yasso(year) , Simon Younis(year).
- Join us this Wednesday for adoration and confessions at 6pm and English Mass at 7pm.
- Please Note: that Last day to register for 1st communion is September 4th
- On Sunday Sept.11 at 5;30 PM we will be having alter server meeting, if you would like to start or continue serving you must attend this meeting. Only children ages 12,13,14 are able to participate.
- We would like to ask you to keep the church clean at all times. Thank you