1st   Sunday  of Denha
January 9, 2022

Ghanim Elias Arabo, Funeral Mass Monday 10 am at Mother of God Church.

Putrus Hormiz, , Funeral Mass Monday 10 am at St.Josegh Church in Troy.

Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year
Patrus Marogie Shamasha(7th),Andrawis Esho Polis Kasha (7th), Najat Jamil Kassab(7th), Sabah Hanna Barno(7th), Jamela Acho (40th),Wadie Barash (40th),Joe Khidher (40th),Andrawes Elias Kathawa (40th), Habib Matti Mera (40th), Nagham Zora Kizy (40th),Jamela Karcho (40th) ,Sabri Habby Hubba(year),Sadiq Barno(year),Helano Polis Toma Shamsha(year),Younis Saloomy(year),Najib Zia Bittie (year).

We pray for Jamel Balios and his wife Barbara for their 46 year’s marriage anniversary.

Join us every Wednesday for adoration and confessions at 6pm and Mass in English at 7pm.

A reminder that our Chapel is located to the left of our parking lot. The Chapel is open 24/7. The code to get in is 5673 which spells LORD on your phone. We have exposed Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday in the chapel from 9am to 11pm.

Our youth groups will return at the end of the month. DOC high school youth group will meet on Tuesday, January 25 @ 6:45pm. COF Middle School girls group will meet on Thursday, January 27th @ 7pm.

Soldiers of Christ Men’s Group will begin meeting on Wednesday, January 26th in the basement after the 7pm Mass.

Please help us keep the Church clean at all times.

Now we ask you to silence your phones and let us prepare ourselves for the Lord.