St. George

Parish announcements

3rd Sunday of Apostles

June 2, 2024*  3rd Sunday of Apostles    Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year  Juliet Yaldo (7th) Maria Khoshaba (7th)sabah Noa Joja (Austria)(7th).  Jalal Issa Koja (40th) Sabah Mousa Allos (40th) Noail Mousa Kado (40th) Hani Khalid Bayooth...

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2nd Sunday of Apostles

May 26, 2024*  2nd Sunday of Apostles    Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year  Hirmiz Patrus (7th) Majid Polis Disho (7th)   Ziad Michael Abdal (40th) Emad Hadu ( Canada)(40th)  Emjed Hermiz Mezy (1 yr) Occasions this Sunday:  - Announcements...

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1st Sunday of Apostles

May 19, 2024*  First Sunday of Apostles    Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Babbi Jebrayel Kaka (7th) Raheel Shamoon Gileanna (Australia) Sana Disha (40th) Badie Shaouni  (40) Ghassan Kaakala (40th) Issam Ghanim Pattah (1 yr) Touma Korail...

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Sunday After Ascension

May 12, 2024*  Sunday After Ascension    Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Anisa Zora Yousif (Australia)(7th) Hermiz Daniel Zara (7th) Nuhad Allos (AZ)(7th) Mechaieel Shamoon Dado (40th) Amira Hermiz Shabilla (1 yr) Issam Shamoon Namo (1...

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6th Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2024*  6th Sunday of Easter   Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Danny Polus Solkareem (7th) Baseema Sulaiman Sulkareem (7th) Saida Sulkareem (7th) Faiza Michayel (7th) Leon zaya hanna (7th) (Turkey) Souad Kannouna Kirma (7th) Sami...

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5th Sunday of Easter

April 28, 2024*  5th Sunday of Easter   Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Hermiz Odisho Hermiz (7th) (Australia) Yaqoo Goga Matty (7th) (Australia) Sabah Ishak Khizmy (40th) Nafa Saleem Barash (40th) Hikmat Yousif Jeeka (40th)...

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4th Sunday of Easter

April 21, 2024*  4th Sunday of Easter Mass Funeral Masses Funeral mass for the deceased Ziad Tariq Abdal on Monday at 10 am at St. George Chaldean church.   Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Jessica Hanna (7th) Emad Hanna Maty Nagara...

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3rd Sunday of Easter

April 14, 2024*  3rd Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Janet Yousif Younan (7th) Mary Jabiru (7th) Hameed Hanna Hermiz (Iraq) (7th) Daoud Yelda Dinkha (7th) salem Khemmoro (7th) Munther Putrus Jarjis (40th) Mukhlus Jirges Kirma...

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2nd Sunday of Qayamta

April 7, 2024*  2nd Sunday of Qayamta Funerals Funeral mass arrangements for Arkan Mikha Karana 10 am Monday at St. Thomas Chaldean church. Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Julia Aboo Najor (7th) iskander Jebrayel Shayaa (Iraq)(7th) Laith...

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March 24, 2024*  Palm Sunday Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year   (7th) Zarifa Zaya Youno Dalal  Raed Aziz Alsanatee (40th) Ameera Abro (40th) Muhanad Bachuwa (40th) Bajara Gorial (40th)  Ghazala Sadiq Sleman (1yr) Michael Patto Kraim  Occasion...

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6th Sunday of SAWMA RABAH

March 17, 2024*  6th Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year Mukhlus Jirges Kirma (7th) Mazin Salim Katoula (Baghdad) (7th) Alonzo Cummings (7th) Samir Malan (Arizona)(7th). Waseem Adeeb Mansour Alsanaty (France) (40th) Samira...

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5th Sunday of SAWMA RABAH

March 10, 2024*  5th Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year The funeral mass for Mukhlis Kurma this Tuesday at st. George Church at 10am. (7th) Phillip Gorgis Soso (7th) Youhanna Odisho (Jordan)(7th)Mamosh Shango Yono (7th)...

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4th Sunday of SAWMA RABAH

March 3, 2024*  4th Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year This monday funeral mass for Victoria Shamoon Yaldoo at st george church at 10am mass. (7th) David Santana (7th) Muhannad Bajoua (7th) batool Israel Awsajee  (40th)...

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3rd Sunday of Sawma Rabah

February 25, 2024*  2nd Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year (7th) Munther Goria Zora. (7th) Salim Dawood Yaldo.(7th) Akram Shikur Salumi Jawhar(7th) Mazin Kammo Mikhana (7th) Dalaly Shammami Kattoula (7th) (40th)Salim...

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2nd Sunday of Sawma Rabah

February 18, 2024*  2nd Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year (7th) Souad Kamano Kalasho (CA).(7th) Virgeen Najor Shammam. (7th)Amira Ziki Shahoma(iraq). (7th) Waseem Adeep Mansour Al Sanatee (France). (40th) Nori Toma Damman...

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1st Sunday of Sawma Rabah

February 11, 2024*  1st Sunday of Sawma Rabah Mass Intentions For The Occasions of 7th, 40th & Year (7th) Steven Sabri Shamoon (7th)Serah Hermiz Putrus. (7th) Samira Shamoon Al Salman  (40th) Shamoon Bidawid (40th) Fikrat Jameel Romaya (1yr) Nabeel Samona ...

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5th Sunday of Epiphany

February 4, 2024*  5th Sunday of Epiphany Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year Funeral mass for the deceased Serra Hermiz Putrus this Monday the 6th at Holy Martyrs church at 10 am.  Funeral mass for the deceased Salem Louis Eso this Sunday at...

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4th Sunday of Epiphany

January 28, 2024*  4th Sunday of Epiphany Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year (7th) Basim Marem Murad Saka (France)(7th) Hurmiz Hanna Younan (7th) Rosa Oraha Habbo Sotter (7th) Saleem Jybrayel Harbee.  (40th) Waad Putrus (40th) Shamoon Yousif...

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3rd Sunday of Epiphany

  January 21, 2024* 3rd Sunday of Epiphany  Mass intentions for the occasions of 7th, 40th & year (7th) Nashaat Najar (Holland) (7th) Hadia Minas Daoud (chicago) (7th) Fikret Roumaya (7th) (40th) Noel Issa Cholagh (40th) Ebtisam Yassou (40th) Natheer Najeeb Kako...

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